Taming The Compensation Monster

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The compensation beast can rear its ugly head in many ways. But generally, employee compensation problems appear in any combination of these four “shortcomings:” 

  1. Lack of urgency 

  2. Lack of motivation 

  3. Lack of good decision-making 

  4. Lack of alignment with company objectives 

Taming the Compensation Monster helps transportation and logistics companies instill a sense of urgency, spark motivation, enhance decision-making, and supply rewards aligned with company objectives. 

Purchase your copy of the book today and begin to “tame the compensation monster” by getting to know the “nature of your beast.” 

  • Recognize compensation psychology and expand your incentive toolkit. 

  • Determine the best pay mix. 

  • Use leverage to maximize motivation. 

  • Adopt the best performance measures for your incentive structure. 

  • Assign weights to your performance measures. 

In the rest of the book, you will be guided through “moving from measures to design,” all the way to “ensuring lasting results.” 

Taming The Compensation Monster